Global Hot Star on Fann Star
The Global Hot Star Award has officially replaced the Four Star Award on Fann Star.
Preliminary & Final Round Expected Schedule
The Prelims begin 9/9/2024, based on previous patterns, we expect the preliminary round to last between 29 and 33 weeks, followed by a two-week break, after which the finals will run for 3-4 weeks. Top 10 from Prelims move on to the Final Round!
Voting Calculation
20% of the total votes from the preliminary round will be accumulated and factored into determining the winner. The remaining 80% will be decided during the final round. The group with the highest total of those 2 calculations is declared the winner & will receive the 2025 Global Hot Star Award trophy at the 2025 The Fact Music Awards.
Voting Methods
This vote uses YELLOW STARS, RAINBOW STARS & VIDEO VOTING! Max 1,000 Yellow or Rainbow Stars a Day + 40 Video Votes (total of 2,000 stars) Resets Daily at Midnight KST Weekly reset is on Mondays at Noon KST

Download a copy of our FANN STAR Guide
Fan N Star is semi-device-locked, & because login methods need to be authentic, we suggest using separate SNS methods to create additional accounts.
You CANNOT log into accounts using the same login method back-to-back & you CANNOT use the same email address even if it's through a different SNS method (for instance, don't use the same email you use to login through Facebook with KKT or your Apple ID).
Try this:
Account 1- Google Email
Account 2- Facebook
Account 3- Apple ID
Do NOT try going from one Google login to another; it won't work.
Do NOT make serial usernames (e.g., STAY1 - STAY2 - STAY3)
There is also one instance we saw in which using emails that use the same serial method may also become a problem (e.g., STAY1@email.com - STAY2@email.com, etc.) so be careful with those just in case.
Fan N Star will terminate the accounts if they feel their policies are being violated in an attempt at voting manipulation. Which means they track IP Redundancy looking for mass account creation in a short amount of time & accounts with serial email addresses & usernames.
It is logical to assume that there may be 2 people in the same household who would want to participate in a vote, but those same 2 people are not going to have serial usernames or email addresses. They are not going to have 10-15 accounts all created within an hour watching video votes at the exact same time that would look like macros or bot behavior, which is against their policy and will cause your accounts to be terminated & a strong possibility that your votes will be deleted.
During the 2023 pre-vote, STAYs saw after the end of each week that after Fan N Star ran their checks, there would be a fluctuation in each group's final weekly numbers that were posted vs the numbers we saw at the end of each week, meaning they did delete votes they deemed illegal. So BE SMART & BE CAREFUL!
You can participate in 2 Timed Events per day and collect +50 Yellow Stars from each one. The schedule below is when events are active & the language the app needs to be in to collect during that event. You CANNOT do back-to-back timed events. Complete one Time Event from each group of scheduled events every day for 100 Yellow Stars!
9: 30 - ENGLISH
12:45 - KR/JP/VT
1:45 - CHINESE
18:30 - KR/JP/VT
19:30 - CHINESE
22:50 - ENGLISH
To help keep you focus in completing your 40 video voting ads per account per day, USE A TIMER! There is a 10-minute cooldown in between video votes, so as soon as you finish a video vote, set a timer for 10 minutes to remind you when it's time to quickly go do another!
Get in a voice chat over Discord or host a Twitter space with other STAYs and listen to Stray Kids' extensive discography together while setting a timer, reminding the entire group to go do a video vote together. It encourages others while helping pass the time with friends!

+1 ⭐️ Daily Attendance (additional bonus every 7 consecutive days you check in) (See page 8 of guide)
+30⭐️ Read 30 articles per language; all 5 languages is +150 ⭐️ (See page 9 of guide)
+30-35 ⭐️ AD Bonuses; can do 6 a day (5 for iOS) (See page 9 of guide)
+10 ⭐️ Post in the Community (See page 10 of guide)
+15 ⭐️ Complete 3 Spon Missions a Day (watch 3 ads) (See page 11 of guide)
+10 ⭐️ Like 10 Posts (See page 12 of guide)
+2 ⭐️ Like Stray Kids on Photo Talk Polls (2) (See pages 13 & 14 of guide)
+100 ⭐️ 2 Timed Events - Mobile Only (See page 15 of guide)
+10 ⭐️ Do Korean Attendance (See page 16 of guide)
Complete Missions Bonus (level-based) - Minimum +20; Maximum +100
Roulette +?? - random
🏳️🌈 Additional Missions via Tapjoy +?? - random
STAYs can earn 339 Yellow Stars a day from completing the tasks listed and if you do all 40 Video Votes a day, that’s a minimum 2,339 votes a day per account.
Total does not including the unknown you can get from Roulette & Missions or the possible rewards for Attendance streaks; and only using the minimum reward for Completing Daily missions.